Bruno Maisonnier: Dance, tiny robots!

TheoB Blog, News

There’s a place in France where the robots do a dance. And that place is TEDxConcorde, where Bruno Maisonnier of Aldebaran Robotics choreographs a troupe of tiny humanoid Nao robots through a surprisingly emotive performance.

TEDxDU – Eva Hakansson – 05/13/10

TheoB Blog, News

As she rides her electric motorcycle onto the stage, Eva Hakansson assures us she isnt just looking for ways to save the planet—shes looking for environmentally friendly ways to fulfill her need for speed. Eva is aiming for the land … How Innovators Get Funded – Part One

TheoB Blog, News

How Innovators Get Funded by francis Pisani, preparing his TEDxGeneva talk for April 17th « Entrepreneurs, engineers, and designers are crucial for turning ideas into innovations. The same goes for investors, people prepared to invest in risky projects. »

Vin biodynamique artisanal

TheoB Blog, News

17 avril Vous avez dit biodynamie ? Il existe une vie au-delà du bio… par l’artisan pionnier Alain Tuiciel. L’origine et la réussite d’un vin naturel en biodynamie repose sur l’attention particulière que le vigneron portera sur l’activité du sol, …