Kosha Joubert: Ecovillage Living – A new source of hope

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

In this largely illustrated talk, Kosha Joubert shares how community-led regeneration can become a source of solutions for today’s societal challenges. Kosha takes us on a journey around the globe to discover ecovillages, envisioning a world of empowered citizens and communities, designing and implementing their own pathways to a sustainable future, and building bridges of hope and international solidarity. Kosha …

Susan George: Power at stake

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Susan George speaks about why and how has spent the last several decades working for the common good, studying the rich to serve the poor, writing seventeen books and sharing her philosophy and scientific research on power. She helps us to decode the societal challenges at stake in a globalized, deeply flawed world. Susan George is a Franco-American political and …

Yves Leuzinger: Swisstopia

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

L’histoire vraie de Swisstopia, projet socio-politique imaginé par des étudiant-e-s inspiré-e-s, qui a gagné le concours la “Suisse de demain”. Dans ce talk, en partant de 2035, nous pouvons regarder 20 ans de transformations possibles pour un monde meilleur. Il décrit par exemple l’évolution de l’organisation du temps de travail, grâce au télétravail partiellement obligatoire. Il encourage le vivre ensemble …

Pascal Meyer: Entreprenariat à contre-courant

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Au pays du chocolat, peut-on réussir à créer une start-up sans un franc suisse en poche et sans recourir au marketing traditionnel ? Pascal Meyer a relevé ce défi, suite à pari fou avec son prof de Marketing. Il nous raconte son parcours semé d’embuches, avec son humour unique et ses expressions bien à lui. Pascal Meyer est le fondateur …

Bruce Benamran

Bruce Benamran: Ideas worth spreading

TEDx Geneva2015 - Make It Work!, Past events

Bruce shares his transformation from curious viewer to active producer of videos on the web. He explains how curiosity became for him a powerful tool for knowledge sharing, both evident and contagious. He inspires us with his vision of a world where anybody can share ideas worth spreading, even with French speaking videos on day-to-day physics. Bruce Benamran is a …

Pryska Ducoeurjoly: Comment distinguer l’info de l’intox?

TEDx Geneva2014 - Freedom @ Digital Age

Journaliste d’investigation et naturopathe, Pryska Ducoeurjoly enquête sur la toxicité de notre environnement au sens large : intox « médica-menteuse”, alimentaire, mais aussi intox médiatique… Nous sommes sur-informés aujourd’hui, mais sommes-nous réellement plus libres ? Et si nous étions, au contraire, fortement conditionnés par le prêt-à-manger, prêt-à-soigner ou prêt-à-penser ? Au service de l’émancipation citoyenne, Pryska Ducoeurjoly propose des pistes …

Richard Stallman: Free software, free society

TEDx Geneva2014 - Freedom @ Digital Age

It is the first TEDx talk of the founder of Free Software movement. Stallman, RMS for short, has changed the world with his vision of freedom for the digital age. He launched the GNU operating system, used with Linux as a component, and inspired the development of Creative Commons licences and Wikipedia project. In this talk, Stallman describes how nonfree …

MC Romulus: Le rappeur humanitaire

TEDx Geneva2014 - Freedom @ Digital Age

Special creation on freedom@DigitalAge by MC Romulus. This multitalented French showman has been performing for 30 years on stages & bars in Europe. As a song writer he designed hundreds of social & political lyrics, stimulating out of box visions of nowadays people’s life. He developed his own musical style, the ragga-twist-trash-musette, and presents us songs in French & English, …

Gwenn Seemel: In defense of imitation

TEDx Geneva2014 - Freedom @ Digital Age

A French-American artist living in the US, Gwenn advocates passionately for a world in which art is distributed and modified freely, while never for a moment expecting artists to work for free. She shares some of her creative journey, explains how copyright is as much a mindset as a law, and reveals how the idea of intellectual property eats away …